Webgrace Feedback Form

Dear ,
You visited the Student Services Information Desk (SSiD) on .
Please use the form below to provide feedback about our service:

Waiting Time: *

Welcome: *

Customer service given by staff: *

Quality of information and guidance given: *

Speed of service delivery: *

Knowledge of the staff: *

Overall service: *

Please tell us why:

Please note- your response will be published automatically on the SSiD site but not your name. Contact ssidadmin@sheffield.ac.uk if you do not want this published, or leave this field blank.

Would you recommend SSiD to others?

What would you say about SSiD if a friend asked you?

Please note- your response will be published automatically on the SSiD site but not your name. Contact ssidadmin@sheffield.ac.uk if you do not want this published, or leave this field blank.

What could we have done better? How could we improve?

*= Required.

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